Essay: ARC Solution Concept
Past Competition
Competition has ended
A global AI Benchmark
Abstract thinking and reasoning are central elements of human intellligence. The objective of this Essay Challenge was to come up with ideas on how to solve the Abstraction and Reasoning Coprus (ARC) Challenge. The ARC Challenge is like an IQ test for machines. The goal of the challenge is to develop a program that can solve 100 secret ARC tasks, which are not accessible to the public. To train this program, there are 800 example tasks available to everyone. Find out everything about ARC on our ARC Page and solve ARC tasks yourself in the Lab42 ARC Playground!
To conceptually solve one of the biggest challenges in AI today without having to program the solutions, Lab42 challenged participants to do the following:
"Develop and outline a detailed approach to solving the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus (ARC Challenge) in an essay of at least 1,500 words."
Simon Ouellette
winning $2’000
A promising way to approach ARC
Only one entry achieved the required average of 7 out of 10 points. Simon Ouellette, the former winner of the first Lab42 essay competition (!), presented his approach to solving the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus (ARC) competition in his essay "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the ARC Challenge". He emphasizes algorithm learning over curve fitting. This approach uses machine learning techniques such as Universal Transformers and DreamCoder along with contextual learning and multitasking.
Due to the limited ARC training data, a data simulation framework is required. The approach uses intermediate supervision and curriculum learning for compound tasks. Training focuses on "core competencies" such as cardinality, objectivity, geometry, relations, and more. Progress is evaluated in a multi-step process that includes continuous testing, refinement, and scaling, leading to incremental improvements and ultimately satisfactory results.
Winning Essay
Full Essay
Executive Summary
Challenge Outline
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